The Candidacy

plural – can·di·da·cies: the position of a person who is trying to be elected: the state of being a candidate


Here I am again, back in the wonderful world of dating! (That’s written in sarcastic font.)

I am a 35 year old black woman. I’m a homeowner, have a 12 year career in finance, have had the nice cars, have traveled a little bit, etc. Some say I’m living the dream. I say I’m just doing alright. Why? Sounds pretty decent right? Well 1) I’d rather get paid to travel the world but this thing called real life is a hater and 2) at the end of the day, having someone to share all that with would be nice.

Way back in 2007 and at the ripe old age of 26 I got married! I thought that was it for me, grow old with the same man, maybe procreate and always have my “person”. Well things don’t always go according to plan now do they? Never did I imagine that one whole year later I would be single again. Never in my wildest damn dreams did I ever imagine that I would STILL be single NINE years later. I haven’t been single the whole time though, there were quite a few candidates sprinkled throughout the years. One long term boyfriend and some randoms, most of them I couldn’t remember if I tried – some with good reason.

Some lied about their height, age, relationship status, “skill set” and anything else you can think of. Was that a regional thing? Was there just a high concentration of fuckboys in Los Angeles? Nope!

Fast forward to 2016 and switch coasts – welcome to New York! Come with me as I navigate my new city and of course…a new dating pool. This should be interesting!

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